DtH Goes to Cinema Wasteland!

Discover the Horror Podcast – Episode 40: Generations of Horror with Guest S.A. Bradley

Depending on when you not only grew up but grew up with the horror genre could define what films you like, and what you don’t like. But then there are other fans that open up the borders and search outside their comfort zone. In this episode, we discuss those ideas with our special guest, S.A. Bradley, author of Screaming for Pleasure: How Horror Makes You Happy and Healthy, as well as the host for the podcast Hellbent for Horror.

This isn’t an episode about specific films, though plenty are mentioned and discussed in great detail, but also on how they are received by the current audiences, as well as the older, and sometimes younger audiences, and what the differences are.

These are the films mentioned in this episode:

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Rondo Time Once Again

The nominations for the Rondo Awards have been announced, with plenty of great names and titles to be voting on. Remember, for most of the nominees, what they are being praised for is done out of passion and love for the horror, sci-fi, fantasy, classic monsters, or whatever genre you want to call it, but it is what we all share the same passion with. Winning one of these awards would not only help put their name on the map but give them a little assurance of what they are doing actually means something. So, take a few minutes to go through the list of nominations and send in your vote. You can see the whole list and all the info you need to vote by going to the official website by clicking HERE.

Now, I do have to take a few seconds to mention that my column in HorrorHound magazine, They Came from the Krypt, has been nominated for Best Column, so I would love to have your vote.

Plus, it seems our little podcast endeavor, Discover the Horror, that I do along with my good friends and fellow deviants, Damien Glonek and Aaron AuBuchon, has been nominated for Best Podcast as well. So again, we’d love to get your vote.

And while I would never tell you to vote for another podcast besides our’s, S.A. Bradley’s Hellbent for Horror is a bit of alright as well!

Another personal note, another good friend of mine, Gavin Schmitt, has his book Karl Freund: The Life and Films, has been nominated as well. So maybe give him a consideration as well!

But seriously, take a few minutes, go through the list and vote from the heart. If you don’t know anything in that category, just skip it. You don’t have to vote in everything, but just the ones you know.

Super Monster Movie Fest Next Weekend!

Just in case you might be late to the party, next weekend, Aug. 27th & 28th, at the Skyline Drive-in, they are holding their 10th annual Super Monster Movie Fest, with the theme this year of The Devil Made Us Do It, featuring 10 films dealing all things with the devil! We’ve been coming out to this event pretty much every year since 2012, and once again, we’re excited as hell to head out there next weekend as well!

Here is the final lineup and times for this year’s features:

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Monsterpalooza – Part 1: Screaming at Dark Delicacies

Monsterpalooza banner

The last time I was in California was in 2003, for a Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors, so it was about time I made a return. Our friends Don England and Chris Kuchta have been setting up at Monsterpalooza for a few years and I was always hearing great stories about the show, from celebrity sightings to just seeing some amazing makeup jobs, props, artworks, and other interesting things on display. So my wife Dawn and I decided to take a little mini-vacation and head out to our first Monsterpalooza. On the Thursday before the show, we were on a plane heading to the West Coast.


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Screaming for Pleasure Live!

Bradley book signing

Our good friend Scott Bradley, author of Screaming for Pleasure and the podcast Hellbent for Horror (both of which have received a Rondo nomination!) will be appearing at Dark Delicacies in Burbank, California, on April 11th, at 7pm for a book signing and live podcast! Joining him for the podcast will be special guest Heidi Honeycutt!

If you haven’t picked up your copy yet and are in the area, now is your chance to stop by and meet Scott, get your book signed, and chat with him about horror. Be careful though, he will talk your ear off! Head over to Dark Delicacies website HERE for more details.

Remember… Stay Hellbent!

Screaming for Pleasure at HorrorHound!

screaming for pleasure banner

For those book lovers looking for one of the Rondo nominated books for 2018, then make sure you stop by our table at the HorrorHound convention this weekend because we will have copies on hand! Mr. Bradley has graciously sent us a box of his wonderful book so we can help him spread his deliciously demented ramblings. I couldn’t recommend this book enough, my fellow readers out there.

We only have a limited supply on hand and once their gone, you’ll have to do it the old fashion way and order it online! So stop by quick and pick up your copy at the Kitley’s Krypt table!

See you this weekend!!!

2018 Year End Review – Part 3: Best Readings!


I once again went beyond my goal of reading at least book a month this year, devouring a total of 15 titles. I seem to be on a trend because I’ve done that for the last 2 years. Granted, even at this rate, I still won’t get through every title I have, and that’s even if I stopped adding more titles to the library. And we all know that isn’t going to happen! But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try! Out of those 15 titles, here are the top 5 that I would recommend the most, listed alphabetically, even though I have a little adder at the bottom. If you want to read more detail about these titles, as well as the other ones I read, click on the link for Horror Reference Book Reviews on the menu to the right.

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Book Review: Screaming for Pleasure

Screaming for PleasureScreaming for Pleasure
Published by Coal Cracker Press, 2018. 290 pages.
By S.A. Bradley

Full disclosure here, folks. I’ve known Mr. Bradley for three years now, ever since he happened upon of few friends doing our usual after-hours get-together at conventions to talk about horror movies. At the Flashback Weekend in Chicago in 2015, a group of friends were gathered in the lobby like we usually do and talk shop. Usually it is about what we’ve seen lately, though we do venture off on other topics. All of a sudden, here comes this guy, wearing a kilt no less, and stops and asks if we’re talking about horror movies and can he join in? No problem! Now, I’ll admit right off the bat that I tend to throw some comments/questions out there to see just how much this newbie might know. Needless to say, I was blown away at not just how much Scott knew about the genre, such as the movies that he’s seen, but even more so the way he could intelligently explain his opinions and thoughts, enough to make the toughest of critics step back and think “Damn…he’s got something there!”. Now three years later, after already creating and amazing podcast, Hellbent for Horror, Scott has taken this same approach and created a must-read book for any and all horror fans.

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Pre-Order for Screaming for Pleasure!

Screaming for PleasureOur good friend and fellow horror fiend, Scott Bradley, is already to unleash his id onto the world, in his book Screaming for Pleasure: How Horror Makes You Happy and Healthy. How does that title not make you want to dig into this book? But why do you need to add this volume to your library? Simple. Because Scott has a strong voice and message about the genre and the things that lurk and linger around it.

Sure, my opinion might be a little bias because I’ve known Scott for a few years. It takes a lot to impress me, and within the first few minutes to chatting with Scott, I was more than impressed. And each time I listen to one of his podcasts on Hellbent for Horror (click HERE to get to the podcast page), I realize how much more I have to step up my own game!

Scott gives his listeners a very interesting take on different subjects. And now with this book, you’ll get the same in depth and interesting view on the many different elements and subjects of the genre.

So do yourself a favor, and pre-order your copy today. It is only $19.99, which is really less than the cost of a couple of magazines! Just click HERE to get to find out more information about where and how you can order it.