Fun at the Skyline Drive-In

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Severin Sleepover at the Skyline Drive-In

On Saturday, September 9th, at the Skyline Drive-in in Shelbyville, IN, Severin Films is inviting you to their sleepover! They will be screening 5 features that they have released but now giving you the chance to see them on the big screen! And trust me, having the opportunity to see these particular titles on the big screen is a pretty big deal!

They will be screening the following films:

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Episode 9 of Discover the Horror Podcast Now Live!

Larrez. Rollin. Franco. Do those names mean anything to you? And if so, what images come to mind? For those that are aware of those names and their work, you might have an image of a vampire or two floating through your mind. In this episode, we take a look at 3 unique vampire films that are quite different than what most would consider a traditional genre entry, and each from a different director. We cover Jose Larrez’s Vampyres (1974), Jean Rollin’s Fascination (1979), and Jess Franco’s Vampyros Lesbos (1971).