Severin Kills with Promo Items!

Back in the ’80s, in the midst of the video boom, there would be these awesome promo items the video companies would release. There was the Re-Animator (1985) paperweight, or the pack of matches promoting The Burning (1981), a Vamp (1986) credit card, and even a real box cutter for Blood Cult (1985). These of course, are highly collectible now and are a great reminder that those video companies understood the ballyhoo and doing little things to help promote the films they were releasing.

In today’s world of DVDs, Blu-rays, and 4K releases, Severin Films are taking promo items to the next level.

Who could ever imagine that someone would create a plush toy for the notorious Italian gore film’s main character from Anthropophagus while he is eating his own intestines? Severin did. Why? Because they are as big of fans of these films as those who are buying their releases. Severin head guy, David Gregory is one of us. So, he makes these amazing items because he knows how damn cool they are! But they haven’t stopped there.

From a simple red rubber ball from The Changeling (1980) to little figures of the title characters from Grizzly (1976) and Night of the Demon (1980) to the more recent music box that plays the famous 7 notes from Lucio Fulci’s The Psychic (1977). How freaking cool is that?!?!

Then of course, because they wanted to come up with another idea for a plush toy, they decided to immortalize actor Joe Spinell from his role in The Last Horror Film (1982)! Every fan of cult horror fans knows Spinell, not just from this film and his role in Maniac (1980), but the countless little bit parts that he showed up in over the years. So, for Severin to create this toy to honor him is just fantastic. I know if he was alive, he would get one hell of a kick out of it.

So, while my wallet might not be too happy, as a die-hard film fan, I am very thankful that David Gregory, and all the Severin crew continue to knock out some amazing releases but going that extra mile and creating some promo items that are so much fun!

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