What a Time to be Alive!

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Arrow Unleashes Coffin Joe Box Set

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Backstage and Beyond – Fabio Frizzi Autobiography Out!

If you’re a fan of Lucio Fulci, then you know the work of composer Fabio Frizzi. How can you not? His scores were essential in helping those films make the impact they did. From creating haunting breaks, to a highly memorable theme with just 7 notes, to filling our ears with music that helped us believe we were in “Beyond” our understanding!

Through Chiroptera Press, in 3 different editions, you can now order your own copy of Frizzi’s autobiography, Backstage and Beyond: An Autobiography, learning about his life in music, movies, and more recently, touring the world to bring both of those to his fans. The book has been translated by Esteban Medaglia and edited by Stephen Thrower, and, according to the website, “takes the reader on a richly detailed journey through his lifelong passion for music. Along the way, we encounter the giants who have inspired or influenced his career, including guitar virtuoso Andrés Segovia, fellow composers Armando Trovajoli and Carlo Rustichelli, and progressive rock group Goblin. We hear about Frizzi’s teenage rock’n’roll bands, his internship with the legendary Ennio Morricone, and learn the secrets of his early success with the group Bixio-Frizzi-Tempera (much admired by Quentin Tarantino). And we meet Lucio Fulci – a complex, tormented genius with whom Frizzi enjoyed a long-standing professional and personal friendship.”

There is a signed hardcover edition that is priced at $80, a signed softcover edition priced at $45, or the standard softcover priced at $36. It seems there are limited quantities of all of these editions, so if you’re interested, you may want to jump on it and get your order in! You can do just that by going to their website HERE.

Beyond Terror…Second Chance

For those that didn’t pre-order a copy of the newly revised edition of Stephen Thrower’s Beyond Terror: The Films of Lucio Fulci, that comes in this amazing Eibon case, in a few days, you will have a chance at getting one of the overstock copies left over.

On Wednesday, Feb. 7th, at 2pm CST, Fab Press will have 50 copies of the book go on sale on their website (fabpress.com). You’re going to have to be quick because these will sell out relatively quickly. Not sure what the pricing will be, but I will say, having my own copy, it is well worth the investment.

Beyond Terror Box

Need Some Holiday Horror?

Yuletide Terror

When thinking about the upcoming holiday, most people don’t think about horror films. In fact, it is supposed to be a joyous time, with gifts, food, family, commercialism…oops…skip that last one. But as I said, “most” people don’t think about horror films….but we do! So one way for us to stay with the “holiday spirit”, we can now read some essays on the Christmas by some of the genre’s talented writers!

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Beyond Terror Rises from the Grave

Beyond Terror special edition cover

I know this is about a week late but just in case either there were a few of you out there that didn’t know, or maybe just need a little reminder. FAB Press had announced last week that they were going to be setting up a Indiegogo page to help get their new edition of Stephen Thrower’s essential book Beyond Terror: The Films of Lucio Fulci an update, filling it with so much more. The campaign started last Wednesday, with a goal of £7500. Now, less than a week later, they have hit close to £54,000!

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Arrow Gives Us Killer Dames!

killer dames
In a couple of weeks, Arrow Video will be unleashing two films from writer/director Emilio P. Miraglia in a double feature box set called Killer Dames! The set will consists of the 1971 film The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave and the 1972 film The Red Queen Kills Seven Times. Each film will come in both DVD and blu-ray format, both also with a ton of extras, though will be limited to only 3000 copies. So if you’re interested, you better get those pre-orders in now. Both films have brand new 2K restorations from the original camera negatives. They will also have the original Italian soundtrack, with newly translated English subtitles, as well as the English dubbed version as well. There is also a 60-page booklet containing information about the films.

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FAB Press News

nightmareusaFor those out there that are horror reference book collectors, then you know the amazing editions that FAB Press has released over the years. And if you know about FAB Press, then you know that their titles tend to not only quicly go out of print, but once they do, they fetch some high prices on the secondary market. I know for the longest time, finding a copy of Stephen Thrower’s Nightmare USA would set you back well over $100. Of course, now that a 2nd printing has happened, you can find them easily around the $50 price tag. Or course, even at that price, well worth the investment!

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Cult Cinema Book from Arrow Video

Arrow Video Cult Cinema

It looks like now that Arrow Video is satisfied with just putting about amazing releases on blu-ray, but now are moving into the reference book market. How dare they! Like this company couldn’t do anything else to make me love what they are doing, they put out this book! Major kudos to them!

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Gift of Knowledge…Part 2

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a little piece on some book recommendations that would make amazing gifts for the holidays, or any time really. But I have two more that would not only just blow away the person you are giving them to, but also are available once again the rare hardcover editions. Sure, these are not the first printings, but unless you want to pay two or three times the cost just to say you had one of the first, then these might be a little more affordable.

Both of these books come from the brilliant mind of Stephen Thrower and are published by FAB Press, who have always created such amazing pieces of readable art. The first one Thrower’s book on Lucio Fulci, entitled Beyond Terror: The Films of Lucio Fulci. This book is just amazing. Filled with incredible photos, tons of detail about the man and his films, it really is a must have for fans of Fulci and Italian horror. In the past, even a softcover edition of this book would go for $100. But now you can get a hardcover version for only $69.95 on Amazon. Click HERE.


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