Happy Birthday Paul Naschy!!!

Back on this day, in 1934, Jacinto Molina was born. He would later adopt the name of Paul Naschy for his film work, which happened to be massive by the time of his death in 2009. He wasn’t just an actor, writer, and director, but he was one of us… a lover of the horror genre. I can’t think of too many other people in the industry that has created the work he had in his lifetime, dedicated to this “cinéma fantastique”, as he referred to it. That really puts him in the icon status. Not to mention that he made a hell of a lot of entertaining films! Continue reading

Double Dose of Naschy Blu-Rays!

After 3 1/2 decades after it’s release, you can finally get a legit copy of Paul Naschy’s 1983 epic The Beast and the Magic Sword, all thanks to Mondo Macabro! This is one of those Naschy titles that for some reason never made it to the states in a legitimate release, which is a damn shame since it is a great little flick. I mean, when is the last time you saw a werewolf battling samurais?

Not a lot of info is out about this release, other than it will be a 2K restoration from an original camera negative, and will feature an audio commentary by Rodney Barnett and Troy Guinn from the Naschycast! Those two things, besides that it is a Naschy film, are more than enough reasons to add this to your collection! They are aiming for a Aug/Sept release, with delivery in October.

Then this coming Monday, the 22nd, you will have the chance to order your copy of Naschy’s The Mummy’s Revenge that is coming out from Scorpion Releasing, that will be available through Ronin. Keep in mind, this will only be a limited edition run of 1500 and will not be sold in the usual retail markets, but only through Ronin. So make sure Monday, you are paying attention!

This version will be not only the HD version of the Spanish cut, but also an HD version of the longer Spanish cut as well. They both with have Spanish and English language options and subtitles. There will be an audio commentary by Troy Howarth and liner notes by Mirek Lipinski.

More Argento & Soavi on Blu-Ray

Opera eyes poster

As if I didn’t love the Music Box Theatre enough already, they have made a deal with Scorpion Releasing to distribute a few of Scorpion’s titles on Blu-ray  and DVD, through their Doppelgänger Releasing division. The first of these titles to be coming out is one of my personal favorites of Dario Argento, his 1987 film Opera, which should be out before the end of this year. With the release of Suspiria from Synapse Films, this is going to make a great way to end the year for Italian horror fans.

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Opera Blu-ray Hits the Stage!

opera-blurayOpera remains one of my favorites from Dario Argento. There is so much about this film that I love, from the subtext he was throwing in there, the amazing camerawork, the score, and everything  else in between. And now, thanks to Scorpion Releasing, it will soon be hitting Blu-ray in what looks to be an incredible release.

It will have “a new 2K scan from the original negative with extensive color correction – exclusive to this release.” It will also feature two different English tracks (which has me slightly puzzled on why) as well as the Italian track with English subtitles.

You will also have the opportunity to see the film in either 2.35:1 ratio or in 1.78:1. It was filmed for 2.35:1 but was made available to be screen in the other format if desired where it was being screened. While I think I’d always prefer the 2:35.1 ratio, it is nice that they have both.

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Discover the Horror…on Blu-ray!

Obviously one of the things I preach here at the Krypt is Discover the Horror. By that, I mean to explore and seek out new things in the genre, both old and new…but mainly old. One of the things that makes this a little easier these days are these Blu-ray companies who are putting out some amazing titles, some that were on the verge of being lost in the vast wasteland of obscurity. But thanks to companies like Synapse, Vinegar Syndrome, Arrow Video, Shout Factory, Code Red, Severin, Dark Sky, Mondo Macabro, just to name a few, they are not only keeping these films alive and available, but giving some titles a treatment that they probably never had before, even when they were first released.

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