New FrightFest Guide from FAB Press

Starting out in 2016 with their first volume in what would be a long running series, FAB Press released FrightFest Guide to Exploitation Movies by Alan Jones. Since then, they have had one on Monster Movies, Ghosts, Grindhouse films, Werewolves, and most recently, one on Vampire movies. If you get them directly from FAB Press (and if they still have any in inventory), you can get the limited-edition hardcover version. Usually, the paperback versions are available at local bookstores, but not the hardcover version. But anyway, I have all of the previous editions and have enjoyed the hell out of them. They are always really well laid out, and just packed full of great information.

This latest volume tackles the good old mad doctors and evil scientists that have been around almost as long as the horror genre! Below is what is listed on FAB’s site:

“Mad medics… sinister surgeons… psychopathic psychiatrists. We put our trust in them. They say they want to help, to cure, to relieve pain and soothe suffering. But what happens when all that scientific and medical knowledge only results in the creation of unimaginable horror?

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FAB Press Unleashes the Werewolves!

Frightfest Guide - werewolf moviesContinuing their track record of producing incredible books, FAB Press has announced the latest volume in their Frightfest Guide. The Frightfest Guide to Werewolf Movies, written by Gavin Baddeley, will be “uncovering neglected gems, and even examining a few howlers among the definitive selection of werewolf movies reviewed.” You’ll get to read about “reluctant wolfmen and shapeshifting sadists, big bad fairytale wolves and lycanthropic nymphomaniacs.” How could this not be a book you need to add to your own library?

With an introduction by director Neil Marshall, who gave us one of the best modern-day werewolf movies with his 2002 film Dog Soldiers, this will be another example of the quality work that FAB Press continues to put out.

Yes, these volumes can be a bit pricy, especially when you’re getting the shipped over here to the US, but I would attest that they are more than worth the money invested. The international street date for the book will be October 1st. The paperback price will be £17.99 (UK) $24.95 (US). Or you can order your exclusive hardcover edition now for only £20 now! Just head over to FAB Press now by clicking HERE.