Weekend of Terror 5 at the Mahoning Drive-In

The Mahoning Drive-In continues to program some amazing lineups at their theater. Unfortunately for me, it is located on the far east side of Pennsylvania, which would be about a 11+ hour drive (one way) for me to attend. Otherwise, I would definitely be there for this. But for those of you that are closer, here’s the amazing lineup they have announced:

Friday, Sept. 25th:
Deep Red (1975)
The Psychic (1977)
Torso (1973)

Saturday, Sept. 26th:
House on the Edge of the Park (1980)
New York Ripper (1982)
Buio Omega (1979)

Sunday, Sept. 27th:
Beyond the Door (1974)
Beyond the Door II (1977)

If only I had hit the lotto and could just spend my days traveling from drive-in to drive-in….

For all the information about this event and the Mahoning Drive-In, just click HERE.

Horror History: Richard Johnson

Richard JohnsonRichard Johnson
Born July 30th, 1927 – Died June 5th, 2015

Two of my all time favorite films: Robert Wise’s The Haunting (1963) and Lucio Fulci’s Zombie (1979), which are about as two different films that you could get. And this man, Richard Johnson, stars in both of them. I think I actually saw The Haunting on television one night at my future wife’s house, watching it with her and her mom, amazed at how creepy this old black and white film was. Then finding out that this suave and distinguished gentleman was also the same actor who played Dr. Menard in one of the greatest zombie films ever committed to film! Boggles the mind. 

While Johnson had attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, performing with John Gielgud’s company before joining the navy in 1945. After the war, he was back to acting before making his film debut in the early ’50s. He was actually offered the role of James Bond in Dr. No, before Sean Connery, but turned it down because he didn’t want to be stuck in a 7-year contract! While he really didn’t appear in a ton of horror films, half-dozen or so that he did appear in, he was always memorable and entertaining. Besides the ones I’ve already mentioned, some of my favorites of his work are Beyond the Door (1974) and Island of the Fishmen (1979), but there are a few more gems in there for you to do a little research on if you’re not entirely sure of Johnson’s other work.

Interview: Juliet Mills


While most people might know Juliet Mills from the many TV shows that she’s been on, us horror fans remember her from Ovidio G. Assonitis’ 1974 film Beyond the Door. I know that’s where I remember her, because as a 9-year old kid, this movie scared the crap out of me!

We met up with Mills at a small movie memorabilia show in the Chicagoland area, in November of 2005, where she was gracious enough to spend few minutes with us to talk about her memories about her work on Beyond the Door.

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