Music Box of Horrors Announces First Titles and Guests!

MusicBoxofHorrorslogo 2018Even though it is still 3 months away, its never too early to start to get ready for this year’s Music Box of Horrors! And from the guests and titles they have announced today, it looks to be another killer time! Advance tickets are now on sale for ONLY $25! That’s a little more than a $1 an hour of some great horror entertainment! This price will last until Sept. 1st, then they go up to $30. Then the day of the event, they will be $35. So why wait and maybe chance the event selling out? Oh yeah…did I mention that these films listed below are all from 35mm prints. No DCP, DVD, or Blu-ray projection for these, but actual film prints. Need some more reasons to get your ticket now? Just keep reading.

To celebrate the 30 year anniversary, not only will they be screening the original Child’s Play (1988), but screenwriter Don Mancini will be attending! Mancini has not only been the writer on all the sequels, but has directed the last 3 entries in the series. With the original movie filmed in Chicago, what a way to celebrate this anniversary.

childs play

Clive Barker’s last feature that he directed, Lord of Illusions (1995), will also be screening. Kevin J. O’Connor, who played the magician Swann will be attending as well! O’Connor is one of those chameleon like actors that can transform himself into so many different characters. From playing the mischievous Beni in Stephen Sommer’s The Mummy (1999) to a very memorable role in Deep Rising (1998), and even playing Igor in Sommer’s ill-fated Van Helsing (2004), even though I will admit I’m one of the few that actually like that one! But O’Connor has also was featured in the Oscar winning film There Will Be Blood (2007).

Lord of Illusion

Freddy VS Jason (2003) will be screening as well as this year’s marathon. Not since Frankenstein meet the Wolf Man was there a bigger monster battle than this. Say what you will, in the monster fandom, this was a pretty big deal.

Now for some real juicy titles that I personally am thrilled to see announced because these are not your average titles to be screened. Some of these you may not have heard of, but I can guarantee you’ll glad you seen them.

The first one is from Australia from 1993 called Body Melt. Like your low budget over the top gore flicks? Then here you go! The fact this is screening from an actual 35mm print is just amazing and probably a once in a lifetime chance, so don’t miss out.

Body Melt

Wicked, Wicked (1973) is one strange film because it was filmed in “Duo-Vision”! It’s sort of like a split screen with two different things going on at the same time.  Not to mention being a pretty decent movie.

wicked wicked

The last title they have announced is definitely a cult classic. Goke, Bodysnatcher from Hell (1968) is a strange Japanese film about some survivors of a plane crash that run against some sort of alien creature that turns victims into a kind of a vampire. If you haven’t seen this one, this is the perfect time to correct that!


For all the details, you can head over to the Music Box page HERE. But don’t wait too long to get those tickets! It’s the cheapest 24-hour marathon in town!

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