Paganini Horror Soundtrack Anyone?

paganini horror cd

While I will admit that this movie is really only viewing during a Turkey Day marathon, I still have a certain fondness for it. Directed by Luigi Cozzi and c0-written (and starring in) Daria Nicolodi, this movie definitely freezes that point in time with cheesy rock music videos. A band is shootting a muisc video with the ghost of composer Paganini shows up to kill them with a bladed violin. Yeah…gotta love it.

But now, thanks to the fine folks at Beat Records, Vince Tempera’s soundtrack for this movie will be available, which not only has the synthesized score, but also the songs from the band as well! Sure, this might be a great companion piece for Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare, but come on…I know there are a few out there that know you want to have this in their collection. And I will admit, that I am one of them!

The release features 50 minutes of music, a 12-page booklet that has original art and liner notes (in English and Italian) by director Cozzi and composer Vince Tempera. You can order it from Screen Archives right HERE.

And how about that incredible artwork from Enzo Sciotti!

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