Arrow Unleashes Coffin Joe Box Set

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José Mojica Marins – Rest in Peace

José Mojica Marins - RIPThe genre has lost another icon with the passing of Brazilian actor, writer, director, producer, José Mojica Marins, better known to fans as Zé do Caixão, aka Coffin Joe. He was another filmmaker breaking ground, making movies that were not the most welcomed in his own home, but he continued on, making the kind that he wanted to make. While he started making films as early as 1950, it wasn’t until 1964 with the release of À Meia Noite Levarei Sua Alma (At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul) that he found the role that would stay with him until he died, that of the devious Coffin Joe. Thankfully, a good number of his films have been made available though various companies, especially Something Weird Video. Continue reading

That Time Coffin Joe Was On Jon Stewart…

coffin-joeFor those (hopefully) few out there that don’t know who Coffin Joe is, he is a Brazilian filmmaker by the name of José Mojica Marins that created a on-screen persona of a twisted madman named Zé do Caixão, or better known as Coffin Joe, which he played himself. The first Coffin Joe movie was At Midnight I’ll Possess Your Soul (1964), which caused quite controversy when it came out. Being in a country that was predominately populated with very strict religious people, creating a character who blasphemed frequently, not to mention doing terrible things to women and making men fear for their lives, didn’t set too well with most of them. But he continued.

Three years later, he made the second Coffin Joe film, This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse, which continued the story from the first film, which is basically his character trying to find the right women to bear his child. Then, some 41 years later, Marins was back for the third film in the Coffin Joe trilogy, called The Embodiment of Evil (2008), which shows that Marins had lost nothing in those four decades when it came to showing how evil Coffin Joe is. Highly recommend these three films.

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