Music Box of Horrors Final Lineup

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Music Box of Horrors 2023 Announced!

Chicago’s own Music Box Theatre has announced the date for this year’s 24-hour horror movie marathon, which will take place from noon Saturday, October 21st through noon on Sunday. We have missed this the last couple due to scheduling conflicts but this year we will be making our triumphant return!

They have just announced the first 3 features to be playing at this year’s marathon: James Cameron’s Piranha 2: The Spawning (1981), J.R. Bookwalter’s shot-on-video Ozone (1993), and Casper (1995), with plenty more to be announced.

You can already get your ticket by heading over the Music Box Theatre’s website by clicking HERE. If you order your ticket now, before October 20th, they are only $30 ($25 for Music Box Members). The day of the marathon, tickets will be $35 ($30 for members). But remember, last year the marathon sold out, so if you really want to go, then I would advise buying your ticket sooner than later.

The Making of Aliens Book

Making of AliensJust when you think there couldn’t be another book released about the Alien series, this Sept. we will have another one to add to the library! Following up with his The Making of Alien book from last year, this year we get The Making of Aliens, once again from Titan Books.

Priced at $60 and 300 pages, this volume tells “the complete story of how Cameron and Hurd, together with their immensely talented cast and crew, brought heroine Ellen Ripley back to the big screen—and upped the stakes by introducing a whole army of aliens for her to face.”

It will features interviews with the cast and crew, filled with tons of photos, illustrations, and concept art, and so much more. There is a reason this film is still loved and worshiped today, so this will be a nice look back at one of our favorites.

Bill Paxton – Rest in Peace

bill-paxton-ripIt’s been just over a week since the world lost an amazing talent, actor Bill Paxton. I had tried to write something about it a couple of times over last week, but just couldn’t get it out. He’d been a favorite mine, as well as many genre fans, mainly since his performances as the cowardly yet heroic Hudson in James Cameron’s Aliens (1986). But like his portrayal of the marine Hudson, Paxton gave so many levels of character to all his roles, and he was always such fun to watch on screen. Even his cut-throat killer Severen in Near Dark (1987) was a treat to watch. Two of my favorite lines to quote from that movie were both from Paxton. “We keep odd hours” and anytime I walk out into the sunlight, I always remember him shouting “Fucking daylight!”

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LV-426 is Alien Day

alien dayFor those die-hard fans of the Alien series, we all know that moon where the Nostromo first encountered the infamous eggs was called LV426. Now thanks to 20th Century Fox, Mondo, and the Alamo Drafthouse, we will all be able to celebrate this date with a double feature screening of Ridley Scott’s Alien and James Cameron’s Aliens, taking place on April 29th. Get it…LV426…4-26. Pretty slick, huh? None the less, getting to see these two incredible classics on the big screen is a reason to celebrate no matter what!

You can check out the Alamo’s site HERE to find out where this event might be taking place near you. I know for us Chicago area fans, it will be taking place at the Music Box Theatre, where they will actually be screening Aliens in 70mm! They will also have the exclusive Mondo-designed t-shirt on sale in the lobby. There will also be custom video pre-shows before and between the two features. Really hard to pass up this opportunity.

Once again, this takes place on Tuesday, April 29th. At the Music Box, Alien will start at 7pm and Aliens will start at 9:15pm. Tickets for the double feature are only $12.