Movie Review: The Devil Incarnate

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El Caminante (1979)
Directed by Paul Naschy
Starring Paul Naschy, David Rocha, Sara Lezana, Ana Harpo, Blanca Estrada, Silvia Aguilar

El CaminanteRecently released on Blu-ray from Mondo Macabre under the title The Devil Incarnate, this is noted as being one of the writer/director’s favorite films. But for those expecting the usual horror outing from Naschy, with vampires and werewolves, you might be a little disappointed. If you’re looking for a very unusual horror/comedy, one that had a very deep and personal meaning to the writer/director, then you might find yourself very intrigued by it. While I really did enjoy it, I sort of felt sad that its creator was ever in that dark of a period in his life, of not trusting many people in the business around him.

In his autobiography, Memoirs of a Wolfman, he stated “I wrote El Caminante in a very special frame of mind. Life had dealt me several harsh blows and I had gained a pretty negative impression of people. For me personally, friendships had been a lamentable disappointment. I knew all about betrayal and lack of loyalty and apart from my family – my parents, my wife and two sons – I didn’t believe there were many things worthwhile in this filthy rotten world. Later on three people appeared in my life who I consider true friends. However, the cry of anguish from the bottom of my soul which found expression through this movie is still valid today.” This film was made almost 40 years ago, and like Naschy wrote in his book over 20 years ago, the way society is still today, this message still rings true. Which again, is a pretty sad statement.

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Year of Naschy Continues!

El CaminanteIt looks like the Year of Naschy will continue into 2018!!!

El Caminante (1979), a film that Naschy co-wrote, directed, and stars in, will be making it’s way to Blu-ray early in January, from the fine folks at Mondo Macabro. For Naschy fans, this is a pretty amazing news since this title had never been released over here in the states on DVD or even VHS, so to not only be able to finally see it, but to see it in a nice brand new 4K restoration!?!?! Just amazing.

Also known as The Devil Incarnate, the story is about the Devil who takes human form and walks the earth to see how humans have progress over the years. But the story here is a very dark one depending on how deep you look, especially in today’s terms. In 1994, a special double Naschy issue of Videooze came out where the actor/writer/director himself talks about each of his films. His thoughts on this film are even more meaningful today than ever.

Naschy says that “we live in the age when becoming rich is the most important thing, no matter who may stand in the way. The age when friendship has no value; we sell it out for nothing. The age in which a man could take his friend’s wife to bed and think nothing of it. The age in which even murder is justified with politics. We live in the age of the Devil.” That was said over 20 years ago. 

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More Naschy Blu-rays!!!

To say the news of more Paul Naschy films hitting blu-ray is a bit exciting to me, especially when they are two titles that never even hit DVD, is the definitiion of an understatement. Earlier today, Mondo Macabro announced that they will be releasing both of these titles at some point next year. They haven’t said what the extras might be, but at this point, who cares. The fact that they are coming out is amazing and whatever extras they do come up with is just going to be icing on the cake.

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