Chattanooga Film Festival 2022 – ONLINE!

Last year, I had the chance to join in on the fun at the online version of the Chattanooga Film Festival. Due to the pandemic still raging on, the fine folks wanted to continue to bring cinema to the masses and did it online instead of just cancelling the festival outright. Which was great, because I had the chance to see a variety of different titles over the course of the week. Well, due to the pandemic still threatening to raise up once again, they have decided to do this year’s festival online once again. But if the programming is as good as it was last year, we are all in for a treat.

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Chattanooga Film Fest Report

This was my first time attending a real film festival that I was able to make it for more than a couple of movies, even though it was still a virtual fest with all the screenings online. Better than nothing these days, right? Big thanks to my friend Neil Calderone for putting this on my radar because over six days, I’ve watched nine features and eight short films and found no disappointments in any of them. Sure, there were some I enjoyed more than others, but they were still all very entertaining and I’m glad I got to see them.

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Chattanooga Film Festival

Starting next Thursday the 24th, and running through Tuesday the 29th is the Chattanooga Film Festival, which will be held online once again due to the pandemic. But that shouldn’t stop you from having the chance to see some interesting and intriguing films! Just browsing through the film listing, it looks like quite a few titles that I know I will be catching, including a Conversation with Gary Sherman, Chicago’s own director who gave us films like Death Line (aka Raw Meat) and Dead & Buried, as well as the documentary Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror by Kier-La Janisse.

For all the information, such as the films scheduled to play, admission fee, and everything else you want to know, just click HERE.