Soundtrack Review: The Canal (2014)

canal-cdThe Canal
Released in 2014 by Lakeshore Records
23 Tracks with a total running time of 50 minutes
Original Score by Ceiri Torjussen

It is funny how one’s opinions can change over the years. I’ve been going through some of my reviews from the old Krypt and bringing them to the new format. During this process, I realize I don’t have a review posted for the soundtrack for this movie, which I recently posted in my list of films that people need to see. As I was going to bring it over, I re-read it and was amazed to find out that I apparently didn’t care for it that much. The strange this is that this is one score that I’ve been listening to quite a bit lately when I’m working on some writing. Because it is more “background sounds” than actual music, it just didn’t resonate with me too well. Well, here is an updated review with some different thoughts on it. Continue reading

Soundtrack Review: Primal Rage

Primal Rage SoundtrackPrimal Rage
Released by CD Baby, 2018

38 Tracks with a Total Running Time of 62 min.
Original Music Score by Ceiri Torjussen

In the first few minutes of the opening track, it will give you a perfect example of what to expect from the rest of his hour long score. And that is simply atmosphere. This doesn’t have any melodies, songs, or anything like that. But what it does to make up for that is giving us raw audible emotions. Just in this first track, we start off with a low rumbling that gets a little louder as we go, as if something dark or evil is off in the distance, but moving towards us. But by the end of that track we switch to a simple but beautiful bit of piano. No tune or anything but just a few notes that really change the effect.

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