Discover the Horror Podcast

Yes, I am finally joining the league of podcasting. Kicking and screaming the whole time, but it looks like actually is going to happen. Had no idea the amount of work going into everything besides the actually recording the episodes, but hopefully in the next week or so, you’ll be able to see the results.

The name of the podcast is Discover the Horror, and your hosts for this, along with myself, are Damien Glonek, co-creatore of The Living Dead Dolls, and Aaron AuBuchon, who teaches film and video production and film studies at Webster University in St. Louis. We all share the passion of the horror genre, so our goal is fire up that same passion in other fans, getting them to seek out films, both old and new, and from around the world. Think of us as tour guides helping you along the path to Discover the Horror!

Stay tuned for updates on when our first episode goes live, which should be in a week or two. In the meantime, here are the links to our social media pages:

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