Beyond Terror Rises from the Grave

Beyond Terror special edition cover

I know this is about a week late but just in case either there were a few of you out there that didn’t know, or maybe just need a little reminder. FAB Press had announced last week that they were going to be setting up a Indiegogo page to help get their new edition of Stephen Thrower’s essential book Beyond Terror: The Films of Lucio Fulci an update, filling it with so much more. The campaign started last Wednesday, with a goal of £7500. Now, less than a week later, they have hit close to £54,000!


Original Hardcover Edition

I guess this shows a couple of things. First, when you put out high quality products like FAB Press does, people are willing to pay a little more than normal. It also shows that all those people that missed out on picking up a copy of this book when it first came out, or the subsequent two re-issues, now have a chance to not only fix that, but get a bigger/better edition than the one they missed! Of course, the massive amount of support also shows that Fulci and his films are alive and well, even 21 years after his passing, which I have to say makes me smile.

And last buy not least, this also shows that physical print media is definitely NOT dead!

The original edition of this book came out in 1999 and quickly went out of print. Thrower is the author of several excellent books, such as Nightmare USA and Murderous Passions: The Delirious Cinema of Jess Franco, and knows a thing or two about horror and cult cinema.

While most of the upper packages are already sold out, you can still get a copy of the book in one of the lower ones. By clicking HERE, you can get to their Indiegogo page, where there is a video explaining what is new to this edition, such as 80,000 more works, 128 more pages, 40 of them in full color, along with 350 more images. Plus, it comes in an amazing Eibon style case!!!

Beyond Terror special edition

Yes, this is going to be a bit pricy. For those in the US, you’re looking at around $100 to $125 PLUS shipping. But you don’t want to be left out again, do you? By ordering your copy, you’re showing that these kind of books are important to the fans. So head over to the Indiegogo page, watch the video, and then place your order. You won’t regret it. Besides, just image what the prices are going to be on eBay if you wait.

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