Has It Really Been a Year?

Krypt stairs.jpgActually, it has. Last February is when we moved the Krypt to this new location, saying goodbye to the Front Page based website to the Word Press blog format. There are times when I miss the old way, but I have to admit this new format is much easier to work with. I know there is still a ton of stuff I still need to import from the old site, like reviews, interviews, etc., which I’ve slowly been doing. It is a long process, but I’m working through it.

But I guess the real question is up to you, the readers and followers of the Krypt. After this last year of the new layout and format, what are your thoughts? Better? Worse? Easier to navigate and find stuff? Or harder? I would love to hear any and all feedback, be it good or bad.

So please drop me a line when you can (email: jon@kitleyskrypt.com) and let me know your thoughts.

Here’s to another year!

2 thoughts on “Has It Really Been a Year?

  1. I wish it showed up in my e-mail a different color. Currently it’s neon green on white, which is not all that easy to read. But that probably isn’t your doing… other than that, I’m liking the new version much better.


    • Since I don’t get those emails, Gavin, I was completely unaware how they were showing up. Since the font color is green on the site, that is what is going out. I’m looking into seeing if I can change that.

      But thanks for your comment. Glad you like the new format.


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